by James Emery White
According to Lifeway Research, 63 percent of Americans say a personal invitation from a friend or neighbor was an effective way to be invited to a church.
And if you could get them there, imagine what you could achieve. They could be exposed to the collective energies, gifts, resources, and influence of your church at its best.
But how should your church be positioned optimally for the Nones? How do you open the front door to someone you have invited who may actually come?
Friendliness: You must be intentional about the guest’s experience and cultivate an atmosphere of acceptance.
Children’s Ministry: Children are the heart of your growth engine. And if Nones ever come to your church uninvited, it will probably be for the sake of their kids.
Music: Music matters, and the key is cultural translation. And remember, there’s no such thing as traditional music.
Building: From the moment when nones first view the church and its grounds, the initial impression is made; physical surroundings convey strong messages.
Importance of the Visual: Over the last 20 years, we have decisively moved to a visually based world, and the church needs to move with it.
Adapted from James Emery White, The Rise of the Nones, Baker Books, a division of Baker Publishing Group, ©2014, Used by permission.
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