By Darryl Ford
David Barranco, along with his two brothers, owns and manages Barranco Beverage, Inc., a service company specializing in installing, servicing, refurbishing, selling, and leasing food and beverage equipment. They are headquartered in Atlanta. Barranco is a member of Ikon Community Church in Atlanta.
How do you describe your work?
David: Our business helps schools raise money by offering students a healthier alternative to the unhealthy snacks (vending machines items, ice cream, and soda) typically offered on school grounds.
How does your faith impact your work?
David: I think the primary purpose of education is to give students the opportunity to study truth—all truth—from basic math and grammar to advanced literature and physics to the Holy Scriptures and the gospel message.
God has given parents, churches, schools, and other institutions the responsibility to impart this truth. These people and institutions must be supported. Our particular focus has been on schools. Many operate on a thin budget and have to raise additional capital to support their programs. I feel God has called us to help these schools thrive.
Thriving includes caring for our bodies spiritually, emotionally, and physically. We help with the physical piece as we provide a healthier snack option for students.
Do you see evidence of the world’s brokenness in your work?
David: As a business owner, I experience firsthand the temptation of cutting corners to save money in order to bolster the bottom line. I’ve been on the receiving end of dishonest practices with customers and suppliers alike. Our business has been robbed multiple times by employees and other thieves. And I see brokenness in the schools and institutions we serve.
Trusted leaders, principals, and administrators are sometimes tempted by power and greed, and they commit fraudulent acts. Every year it seems we hear about another school administrator trying to cheat the system in some way.
How does your work provide an opportunity to love and serve others?
David: Our employees are our most valuable asset. God has entrusted them to us. I believe my role is to love and serve them first. My desire is to create an atmosphere where they feel valued, loved, and cared for. I want to encourage and “fan the flame” of each employee’s God-given gifts.