What are you enjoying right now?
Sometimes, we need to step back and ask a question like that.
Philippians 4:8 challenges believers to think and dwell on “whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable.” So the Facts & Trends staff would like to regularly share our “Favorites” at the moment.
It might be a new book or podcast we’re enjoying or something going on in our lives we want to share. Hopefully, you’ll think about things that are your favorites right now and maybe find something else to add to your list.
Aaron Earls (@WardrobeDoor), online editor: The cultural, and now legal, acceptance of gay marriage has placed the church in a tumultuous world with numerous repercussions many churches and leaders are unprepared to face. That’s why I’m thankful for a book like Ministry in the New Marriage Culture . The book, edited by Jeff Iorg, combines deep biblical theology, personal and pastoral insight, and practical experience and helps.
What I appreciate most about it, however, are all of the writers’ commitment to the gospel and desire for it to shine brightly through the church in our culture. They are not writing out of a place of fear or compromise. The chapters are confident in the power of the gospel to give new life and shape society.
If you or your church have questions about navigating issues related to marriage, sexuality and gender, pick up Ministry in the New Marriage Culture .
Matt Erickson (@_Matt_Erickson), managing editor: In recent weeks, I’ve read several helpful articles from Gospel-Centered Discipleship. For example, a recent article titled “7 Ridiculously Simple Ways to Make Time for Beauty” talks about our common struggle to see and savor the beauty of Christ in the midst of our busy, chaotic days. It offers simple ways to look to Christ for fresh encouragement and strength. The articles do an excellent job of combining theological truths with practical applications.
Lisa Green (@lisaccgreen), senior writer: When my son graduated from college last year, he could hardly wait to get to San Francisco, the center of the high-tech universe. He’s a software engineer for a biotech startup, finding ways to better diagnose disorders such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.
My husband and I visited him this week, and I came home grateful in many ways. It’s a long journey to the West Coast, but a trip that would take days by car requires just four hours on a nonstop flight. I’m grateful. Rent for his apartment is higher than the mortgage on my house, but he’s in a safe neighborhood and has a roommate to share the expense. I’m grateful.
We delighted in treating him to dinner. And he was equally delighted to treat Mom and Dad from his own paycheck. The disheveled dorm room has been replaced by surprisingly clean apartment. The child who once slept through his ACT test is now a young man succeeding on his own. What can I say? I’m grateful.
Katie Shull (@KShull), graphic designer: My favorite is “Shark Week” airing on the Discovery Channel. I have always been fascinated by sharks ever since I was bit by a sand shark during a childhood trip to Bethany Beach, Delaware (he was very tiny, no serious damage).
They are perfectly designed to be the top of the ocean’s food chain. It’s cool when you stop and think about all the wonders God created. It also makes you slightly scared to swim in the ocean.
What has made you smile so far this week? What would be your favorite today?