In a previous article, I spoke of the need for us as pastors to step out and lead. So how do we move to action in our role as pastor? Here are three practices to help us stay focused on leading:
1. Incorporate leadership into your prayer life
Things you incorporate into your prayer life become more prominent in your thinking. Asking God to give us courage, wisdom, strength, and integrity to lead helps us do it. Praying consistently about our leadership will make us better leaders, especially because it keeps the necessity to lead in front of us.
2. Keep Learning Leadership
I love reading about leadership. I also listen to podcasts and lectures on leadership. Regardless of what type of tools I’m utilizing, I am always immersed in the subject of leadership. Staying entrenched in learning leadership keeps you reminded to lead, and provides tools for doing it. Always have a leadership book you are working through. Have a series of podcasts you listen to regularly. Follow a few blogs that write on leadership. Keep learning leadership.
3. Have a Leadership Ally
Have a person around you who believes in the importance of leadership. This can be someone inside or outside your organization. Make time to talk with them monthly. Hold each other accountable for growing. Learn from each other. Share challenges and solve leadership problems together. A leadership ally keeps the importance of leading on the front-burner.
General Colin Powell once said that “Indecision has cost the American government, American businesses, and the American people billions of dollars more than the wrong decision.” Leaders lead. It may sound simple, but too often it doesn’t happen. Failing to lead costs the church more than the occasional wrong decision. We cannot allow uncertainty, fears, lack of resources, or lack of manpower, to keep us from leading the church to fulfill our God-given mission in the world.