Seven days down and three to go. It makes me happy to see these stacks of books and YETIs going out the door every day.
Today marks the 8th day in the 10-Day Giveaway building to the biggest giveaway of all on Day 10, Saturday.
Please note: make sure the email you use for commenting is correct.
Here’s today’s offering:
2-Mission of God Study Bibles (Holman Bible Publishers)
1-Large Print Compact Bible, Celtic Design (Holman Bible Publishers)
1-Every Square Inch (Ashford, Lexham Press)
4-Thom Rainer books
- Who Moved My Pulpit?
- I Will
- Autopsy of a Deceased Church
- I am a Church
1-Lifeway curriculum sampler
1-Lifeway Pastors YETI Rambler
The Day 9 Giveaway is over. Congrats to winner Billy Hardwick!