Almost every week I winnow from among a long list of sale ebooks those I think will be of most interest to Lifeway Pastors readers. Pastors have a lot of their plates and may not have time to weed through non-essential books.
On this last sale post of the year, however, I’m including a wider variety of offerings, and am hopeful these great prices will help you fill some voids in your library.
The special prices on the ebooks below end December 27, 2016.
NOTE: Prices differ per title.
Amazon’s Kindle pages are linked for your convenience. Each title is available at multiple ebook outlets including iBooks and Google Play.
La Gran Historia, B&H Español Editorial Staff ($4.99)
La Gran Historia, Relatos Bíblicos en 5 minutos, B&H Español Editorial Staff ($4.99)
La Gran Historia, Relatos Bíblicos para los más pequeños, del Nuevo, B&H Español Editorial Staff ($2.99)
La Gran Historia, Relatos Bíblicos para los más pequeños, del Antiguo, B&H Español Editorial Staff ($2.99)
Libro de Historias Bíblicas, B&H Español Editorial Staff ($2.99)
Oraciones para Dormir, B&H Español Editorial Staff ($2.99)
And the Place Was Shaken: How to Lead a Powerful Prayer Meeting, John Franklin ($2.99)
A Mother’s Garden of Prayer, Maddox/Webb ($0.99)
A Woman’s Garden of Prayer, Maddox/Webb ($1.99)
A Parent’s Book of Prayers: Day by Day Devotional, Tony Wood ($0.99)
When God Prayed, Don Wilton ($0.99)
Faith, Form, and Time: What the Bible Teaches and Science Confirms about Creation and the Age of the Universe, Kurt Wise ($2.99)
Truth in a Culture of Doubt: Engaging Skeptical Challenges to the Bible, Köstenberger/Bock ($2.99)
Seven Words of Worship: The Key to a Lifetime of Experiencing God, Harland/Moser ($0.99)
Christian Worship: Its Theology and Practice, Segler/Bradley ($2.99)
The Great Commission to Worship: Biblical Principles for Worship-Based Evangelism, Wheeler/Whaley ($2.99)
Pastoral Ministry
Preach, Dever/Gilbert ($2.99)
Tribal Church: Lead Small. Impact Big., Stroope/Bruner ($2.99)
Faith Crisis, Ron Dunn ($2.99)
Spiritual Warfare and Missions, Rankin/Stetzer ($2.99)
The Case for Antioch, Jeff Iorg ($2.99)
The Character of Leadership: Nine Qualities that Define Great Leaders, Jeff Iorg ($2.99)
Angel of Bastogne, Gilbert Morris ($0.99)