I’ve always found books like the B&H Perspectives series helpful. Each volume presents several positions on a given subject. Some of them include chapter-by-chapter rebuttal/responses from various contributors.
Below is a list of B&H ebooks from the Perspectives series available for only $2.99 each. The special prices below end January 17, 2017.
Amazon’s Kindle pages are linked for your convenience. Each title is available at multiple ebook outlets including iBooks and Google Play.
Perspectives on Church Government, Chad Brand (ed.)
Perspectives on Spirit Baptism, Chad Brand (ed.)
Perspectives on Election, Chad Brand (ed.)
Perspectives on the Ending of Mark, David Alan Black (ed.)
Perspectives on Our Struggle with Sin: Three Views of Romans 7, Terry L. Wilder (ed.)
Perspectives on Your Child’s Education: Four Views, Timothy Paul Jones (ed.)
Perspectives on Children’s Spiritual Formation, Michael J. Anthony (ed.)