Below is a list of nine B&H Academic ebooks currently on sale for only $2.99 each. The special prices below end May 2, 2017.
Amazon’s Kindle pages are linked for your convenience. Each title is available at multiple ebook outlets including iBooks and Google Play.
Everlasting Dominion, Eugene H. Merrill
Those Who Must Give an Account, Hammett/Merkle
Perspectives on the Extent of the Atonement, Naselli/Snoeberger
The Community of Jesus: A Theology of the Church, Easley/Morgan
The Return of Christ: A Premillennial Perspective, Allen/Lemke
Taking Christian Moral Thought Seriously, Evans/Heimbach
Christian Formation: Integrating Theology and Human Development, Estep/Kim
The Heart of Hebrew History, H.I. Hester
The Heart of the New Testament, H.I. Hester