Below is a list of B&H ebooks on sale now. Titles begin at only $0.99 each. The special prices below end June 13, 2017.
Amazon’s Kindle pages are linked for your convenience. Each title is available at multiple ebook outlets including iBooks and Google Play.
Devotional Books
The Words of Christ, Calvin Miller, $2.99
When Your Heart Cries Out to God, Harold J. Sala, $2.99
Journey Day by Day, Walk Thru the Bible, $2.99
Christ Centered Exposition Series
Exalting Jesus in Exodus, Tony Merida, $2.99
Exalting Jesus in Leviticus, Allan Moseley, $2.99
Exalting Jesus in Ezra-Nehemiah, James Hamilton, $2.99
Exalting Jesus in 1 & 2 Kings, Tony Merida, $2.99
Exalting Jesus in Ezekiel, Landon Dowden, $2.99
Exalting Jesus in Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi, Fries/Rummage/et al, $2.99
Exalting Jesus in Matthew, David Platt, $2.99
Exalting Jesus in Mark, Daniel Akin, $2.99
Exalting Jesus in 1 & 2 Timothy, David Platt, $2.99
B&H Academic
Engaging Exposition, Daniel Akin, $2.99
Southern Baptist Consensus and Renewal, David S. Dockery, $2.99
The Return of Christ: A Premillennial Perspective, Allen/Lemke, $2.99
Books by Dr. Thom Rainer
Autopsy of a Deceased Church, $5.99
Essential Church, Rainer/Rainer, $5.99
I am a Church Member, $5.99
Simple Church, Rainer/Geiger, $5.99
Millennials, Rainer/Rainer $5.99
Ten Who Changed the World, Daniel Akin, $0.99