By Jonathan Howe
“On the Horizon” is a quick glance at important news items for your week.
Pittsburgh Jewish Community Becomes Latest Victim of Senseless Violence
The city of Pittsburgh and much of the country are still reeling from a mass shooting Saturday morning at a synagogue in the Steel City.
Robert Bowers killed 11 people at the Tree of Life Congregation before being taken into custody. Prosecutors are seeking to pursue the death penalty against Bowers.
Migrant Caravan Continues to Head North Through Central America
Immigration and the southern border wall are again on the forefront of election talk, as a caravan of an estimated 7,000 moves through northern Mexico toward the United States border.
The Pentagon has deployed 5,000 active duty troops to the border to maintain security.
Midterm Elections Draw Near
We are just over a week from election day in the United States and both Democrats and Republicans are going all out to gain votes. Prognosticators expect the Democrats to take control of the House with Republicans maintaining their hold on the Senate.
Halloween Offers Great Opportunity for Outreach
At a time when ghosts and ghouls may roam about for candy, this week offers a great opportunity for the gospel to be shared with many of your neighbors. Here are six ways to engage your neighbors this week.
Hello Darkness My Old Friend
Daylight Saving Time ends this week and we “fall back” to Standard Time. That means an extra hour of sleep Saturday night and an earlier sunset. So no excuses for being late to church on Sunday.
Be sure to check Facts & Trends throughout the week for continued coverage of these stories and much more.

Jonathan Howe
Jonathan is the Vice President for Convention Administration with the @SBCExecComm and former director of strategic initiatives at Lifeway.