By Aaron Earls
When Lifeway Research spoke with pastors about how the coronavirus was impacting their church, they also asked: “As pastor, what are the pressure points you are feeling most right now? In what ways could you most use support?”
Here are the seven most common responses and some quotes from the pastors themselves about the topic.
1. Staying connected (30%)
“The frequency, importance, and difficulty of communication have all increased, because nothing can be assumed. Everything is changing and must be communicated; and not everyone has or checks email.”
“Not seeing the people from church has added difficulties in connecting with them and knowing what they are dealing with.”
2. Finances (26%)
“I am concerned about the financial impact moving forward and the possibility of needing to find outside employment to alleviate the burden on the church.”
“More of our people are starting to take advantage of online giving, but the giving still does not match what it was before we had to close.”
3. Technology (16%)
“Researching and implementing the new technology to make our services happen online has been stressful, and because of technical difficulties not always the most successful.”
“Technical help with live streaming would help a lot! I expend a great deal of energy trying to get everything up and running and that level of pressure right before the service causes deep anxiety for me.”
4. Pastoral care from a distance (12%)
“Feeling limited on how to minister with congregational members. Outside of phone calls, the task is challenging.”
“Through a Zoom process, I am preaching from my home to the people of the congregation. Face to face is so much more effective. I miss the personal communication. Also, I have members in nursing homes that I cannot see. Also, I am 82 years old and a prime target for the virus.”
5. Members with no technology (11%)
“Older members of the church are not ‘connected’ or struggle with the technology to be connected.”
“Many of our people do not use any type of computer or social media. This makes it difficult to stay connected.”
6. Uncertainty (9%)
“Our town’s main employer and everyone else seems to have slowed down and be complaining that they are running out of projects to do. I am treading water. Things which had come easy before are so much more challenging. It should get better but it’s hard to see right now. I have many opportunities to pray.”
“Knowing how to lead when there is no routine or stability.”
7. Pressures surrounding not meeting (7%)
“Some in the congregation want to meet and rebel against authority. Some are saying that by having the worship team and audio/video members in for live streaming that we are not doing enough to protect people. I’m caught in the crossfire.”
“We are concerned that not meeting will have a devastating effect on the congregation, but that meeting will be dangerous to our members.”
AARON EARLS (@WardrobeDoor) is online editor of Facts & Trends.