How does your church plan for Easter? These practical tips help your church as you create a checklist and schedule for Easter preparation.
By Ron Edmondson
Easter is one of the most important times of the year for your church. But you already know that. So, how does your church plan for the additional guests and people who do not yet know Jesus Christ over the holiday that celebrates His life, death, and resurrection?
Here are 10 practical tips to help your church plan and prepare for Easter. You may want to create your own checklists and schedule to help in your preparation or enlist a team of volunteers, leaders, and staff to focus specifically on Easter planning.
1. Decide times for your church’s Easter services
Will you host additional services? Will there be any special events? Or will you stick to your regular schedule?
2. Decide extras that will take place at your church on Easter or over Easter weekend
Will you have a special lesson or program in Sunday School classes or small groups? What about in children’s ministry? Will you offer anything special for your guests?
3. Update your church’s website with Easter information
Most newcomers will check out your church’s website before they walk through your doors. Post and highlight your Easter service times online as early as possible.
4. Create a promotional package for Easter
Create branding for your church’s Easter service, Easter week, or weeks leading up to Easter. Use it in emails, on invite cards, on your website, and anywhere else you post and promote Easter info.
5. Train your church volunteers and leaders who may interact with guests on Easter
Provide training for those who will encounter guests. These people include, but are not limited to, your first impressions team, ushers and greeters, small group leaders, and children’s ministry teachers and volunteers.
6. Plan an Easter service that is comfortable for guests
Plan a service that resembles your weekly services so that people know what to expect when they come back.
7. Select songs and choose service elements with which people will likely be familiar
If you stick to traditional songs, then guests are more likely to engage. If you choose a song or service element that is unique and may be unfamiliar, take the time to explain why you’re doing what you’re doing.
8. Give Easter guests additional information about your church
Put in their hands a brochure or bulletin with additional information about your church. You may even print a packet specifically for Easter. Your guests want to know who you are and what you stand for.
9. Tell your Easter guests what is next
Is it a newcomer’s event? A new sermon series? A special event? A ministry area to highlight? Let them know what is next.
10. Follow up with Easter guests
This final step is of utmost importance and may require a special team with even more focus than your church’s usual guest follow-up. Have a plan to follow up with these Easter guests.
Easter is an incredibly important day in the life of your church. Use these tips to impact your church and community this Easter.
Adapted from the FREE Easter Preparation Guide from Ministry Grid. Click here to get your free guide and equip your church for Easter Sunday guests.
For permission to republish this article, contact Marissa Postell Sullivan.
Ron Edmondson
Ron is senior pastor of Immanuel Baptist Church in Lexington, Kentucky. He is an author, pastor, host of the Ron Edmondson Leadership podcast, and the former CEO of Leadership Network.
This article was originally published on Ministry Grid.