On a church ministry level, discipleship leverages the resources of God’s people to promote disciple making.
By Kevin Freeman
January is a busy month for physical fitness clubs. Memberships skyrocket, and millions of Americans, having emerged from a parade of calorie-rich holiday parties, flock to gyms to get in shape. What people experience at their local gym often determines how long they stay connected and stick to their personal health goals.
A similar scenario plays out in churches as people seek church community and discipleship. Do church leaders communicate a clear understanding of discipleship so people understand how to grow spiritually?
Our family got a gym membership several years ago. Our local health club offered something for everyone’s needs. An array of treadmills, bikes, ellipticals, and stair climbers stood ready for cardio workouts. The resistance machines and free weights would help build muscle.
All our questions were answered, too. Was there quality childcare for our young children? Check. Could I dominate my older kids in racquetball? Check. Was a pool, sauna, and steam room available? Check, check, and check. The gym even offered occasional sessions with personal trainers and held several classes for group Pilates, yoga, cycling, and more. In fact, we were told most members who join classes and connect with others keep their memberships longer.
You probably sense several parallels to church ministry. Like these gyms, churches often strive to have something for everyone and anticipate the needs and wants of potential congregants. The more connected people are in either setting, the more likely they are to stay—to keep their membership active. Of course, pastors cannot simply base church ministries on market forces, offering only the programming people want. The church has an unchanging mission to make disciples who follow Jesus Christ.
What is discipleship?
In Lifeway Research’s Greatest Needs of Pastors study, disciple making ranked as the top skill pastors desired to improve. More than 3 in 5 (63%) pastors indicated the need to improve in this area.
Disciple making is composed of both evangelism and discipleship. Christians are called to both make disciples and teach them to obey Christ’s commands, as explained in the Great Commission.
So, what is discipleship? There are two levels to consider. On an individual level, discipleship is the intentional, Spirit-empowered process of becoming like Jesus, to the glory of God. Each believer must put forth effort to become more like Jesus, and the indwelling Spirit empowers the process.
On a church ministry level, discipleship is more structural. Discipleship ministry leverages the resources of God’s people to promote disciple making. It uses people, spaces, and schedules to help people come to know Christ and grow in Him. This is where the picture can become a bit fuzzy and the process murky. Although many discipleship ministries work hard to make disciples, it can seem little fruit is realized, and pastors may feel they are missing something. Though armed with spiritual training, many pastors need help effectively structuring their ministry programming.
Consider three ways to help people understand your church’s discipleship ministry.
1. Know your plan to lead people to spiritual health
Because of the centrality of making disciples, churches must have a plan for discipleship. How does your church help people grow in their faith? Leaders in the church should know the answer to this question and be able to state it clearly. If they cannot all articulate the same plan, then your church does not have a plan. Take the time to develop a discipleship plan with a team.
“How does your church help people grow in their faith? Leaders in the church should know the answer to this question and be able to state it clearly.” — Kevin Freeman Share on XDeveloping a plan involves determining how your church makes disciples. When people see the varied programming in a church, they rarely automatically grasp the best way to participate in a way that helps them grow. Church leaders who take the time to develop a plan will have something clear to communicate. A simple, straightforward plan will reflect the character of your church and help people see the way your church will help them become like Jesus.
2. Communicate that plan clearly
Having a plan on paper is wonderful, but consistent communication will ensure people in your church know the plan. Are small groups the main part of your discipleship program? People should know it. Tirelessly explain the importance of belonging to a small group. After belonging to a small group, are group members encouraged to serve in ministry or share their faith? Whatever the next step in the plan may be, explain it regularly at each important stage. This will help people consider their own spiritual progress.
In a gym, people choose whatever equipment they want to use, a system that works because the model is to offer people what they want. In a church, programs replace workout equipment, and people often gravitate toward the ones that appeal to them. The assumption is any combination will help them achieve their spiritual health goals.
Churches, however, must first communicate the goal for each believer to become like Jesus and then explain how the discipleship plan meets that goal. The idea is not to mandate but to communicate. Not all people will follow your discipleship plan, but ensure they make that decision armed with information, not ignorance.
“Not all people will follow your discipleship plan, but ensure they make that decision armed with information, not ignorance.” — Kevin Freeman Share on X3. Equip people to carry out the plan
Your plan requires more people than just you. Look for people who are committed to your church’s discipleship plan and empower them to help others. Imagine a gym where a lumpy, overweight fitness instructor explained how to make the most of all the gym has to offer. In a church, those who have become spiritually healthy through participating in the discipleship plan should guide people to become involved in the plan.
Ultimately, the scale doesn’t lie. Gym memberships are canceled when people don’t see the health improvements they’re looking for. People who cannot discern their spiritual growth are less likely to stay connected to their church. Help people celebrate progress and stick to their commitments. Note the areas where people become stuck in their growth and consider how to help them overcome barriers and continue to grow.
Remember God has equipped your church to carry out the mission to make disciples. Your “local gym” may not have the flashiest equipment or the slickest programs, but you have something better: the Spirit of God at work in every believer and the Word of God to guide you to faithfully make disciples.
For permission to republish this article, contact Marissa Postell Sullivan.