While the majority of pastors in the Southern Baptist Convention have a will, nearly 40 percent possess no type of estate planning document at all.
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Sluggish Economy No Match for Vision, Connection
The lethargic economy has continued to negatively impact the financial situation of many congregations in the United States. However, some congregations are finding that the gloomy forecast hasn’t necessarily translated into slashed budgets and financial damage control.
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Pastors Value SBC’s Cooperative Program
Southern Baptist pastors have high opinions of the Convention’s Cooperative Program, according to a study conducted by Lifeway Research.
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Protestant Pastors Support Romney Despite Mormon Faith
Three times more Protestant pastors plan to vote for Mitt Romney over Barack Obama in the upcoming presidential election. Romney’s Mormon beliefs are a factor for only a small number of pastors who plan to cast their ballot for another candidate.
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Majority of Pastors Disapprove of Pulpit Endorsements
Nearly 90 percent of pastors believe they should not endorse candidates for public office from the pulpit, according to a recent survey by Lifeway Research. The survey also revealed that 44 percent of pastors personally endorsed candidates, but did so outside of their church role.
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Lifeway Surveys Lord’s Supper Practices of SBC Churches
The majority of Southern Baptist churches permit anyone who has put their faith in Jesus Christ to participate in the Lord’s Supper, according to a recent survey by Lifeway Research. The survey also revealed that 57 percent of SBC churches observe the Lord’s Supper quarterly.
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