Churches Not Running to Cloud Computing
A recent survey conducted by Lifeway Research found that very few churches are thinking about "the cloud" as anything more than fluffy, white vapor hanging in the sky.
Churches Divided on Web Use
Though most churches have a website, there is a divide between congregations that use their sites only for one-way communication and those that maximize their online presence with interactive technology.
Lifeway Research Finds Churches Increasing Efforts in Social, Facebook
Churches are turning increasingly to social networking tools as ministry aids and Facebook is by far the most popular tool, according to a new study by Lifeway Research.
Protestant Pastors Disapprove of Obama, Pulpit Endorsements
A new survey released today by Lifeway Research indicates that 61 percent of Protestant pastors disapprove (47 percent strongly) of President Barack Obama's job performance.
Americans Celebrate Christmas, Yet Many Stray From Religious Meaning
t's beginning to look a lot like Christmas, and it's not just Christians turning December into a festive month.
Christmas is Prime Time for Church Invitations
One of the ways 47 percent of households celebrate the holiday is by attending special Christmas Eve or Christmas Day church services