American ‘Millennials’ Value Family Above All Else
When asked what's important in life, most American "Millennials" - those born between 1980 and 1991 - say family comes first, ahead of friends, education, careers and even religion.
American ‘Millennials’ are Spiritually Diverse
Two-thirds of American "Millennials" - those born between 1980 and 1991 - call themselves Christian, but far fewer pray or read the Bible daily, attend weekly worship services, or hold to historical positions on the Bible and its teachings.
Protestant Pastors View Islam with Suspicion
Protestant pastors in the U.S. have a negative view of Islam and more than half agree with Franklin Graham's statement that Islam is an "evil" religion, according to a just-released study by Lifeway Research. More than 4 in 10 agree that Islam is dangerous and promotes violence.
Church Openings Outpace Closings, but Support For Church Plants Lacking
A newly released Lifeway Research survey of 1,004 Protestant pastors found only 3 percent of their churches served as the primary sponsor of a church plant (new congregation) during the previous 12 months, and only 14 percent gave financial support in partnership with other churches to help start new congregations.
Outreach to First-Generation Immigrants Succeeding, Needs Improvement
A North American Mission Board (NAMB)/Lifeway Research study found that while ministries across North America are reaching out to a significant portion of first-generation immigrants, much work remains to be done.
Pastors Continue to Value, Use Seminary Education
Protestant pastors put high value on their seminary education and regularly integrate their learning into the way they lead and serve their congregations, newly released information from Lifeway Research shows.