Public Trust in Pastors Continues Steep Decline
Trust in pastors continues to fall with only 30% of U.S. adults saying clergy members have high or very high levels of honesty and ethics.
Physical Stewardship: Viewing Health as Worship for Pastors
Eating healthy often feels impossible. What if even in our busy ministry lives, we can approach our health in a way that glorifies God?
The State of Groups: Trends and Best Practices for Groups Ministry
Are churches equipped to equip? The State of Groups Insights Report helps ministry leaders evaluate their groups and consider next steps.
5 Hidden Dangers of Consumerism in the Church
How prevalent is consumerism within the church? Unfortunately, church attendance and a consumeristic mindset are correlated.
6 Reasons Worship Attendees Aren’t Group Participants
According to the State of Groups research, the average church sees 44% of worship attendees attend ongoing Bible study groups.
How Is God Working in the New Generation?
When a new generation comes on the scene, we may ask questions like, “What can we expect? Can anything good come from the next generation?”