Does It Matter If Your Church Feels Outdated?
God has placed you in this decade to do His work. Is your church proclaiming “Today is the day of salvation” in today's words and methods?
7 Essential Qualities for Facing Looming Ministry Transitions
By intentionally cultivating these seven qualities, pastors can do more than survive the transitions in the year ahead.
8 Essential Components of Any Small Group Leaders Training
If companies provide training for employees, how much more important is it for the church to provide training for its frontline leaders?
7 Tips for Communicating the Gospel on Christmas Eve
Christmas Eve presents pastors with a unique opportunity to clearly and creatively communicate the gospel, as people come with expectations.
4 Actions Now to Prepare for Your Future Retirement
What can you do to start dreaming about retiring instead of dreading it? Here are a few suggestions for you and your spouse to consider.
3 Reasons a Winter Retreat Propels Your Church’s Vision Through the Summer
A vision planning retreat when the leaves are gone brings focus and energy when the leaves are green. Now is the time to plan for momentum.