Parents & Churches Can Help Teens Stay in Church
Parents and churches together can help their teenagers decide to stay in church as young adults, new research from Lifeway indicates.
Reasons 18- to 22-Year-Olds Drop Out of Church
Two-thirds of young adults who attend a Protestant church for at least a year in high school will stop attending regularly for at least a year.
Teenagers Confused about What it Takes to Get to Heaven
Results from a Lifeway Research study indicate that many American teenagers are confused about what it takes to get to heaven.
Viewpoint: Adults Who Switch Churches
Lifeway Research conducted a major study titled "The Formerly Churched" which investigates why many adults drop out of church.
Church Switchers Move to Larger, More Contemporary Church
Research finds church switchers often choose a new church that is different in several ways from their previous church.
What Drives the Decision for Those Who Switch Churches
The most important factor in a church switcher's decision to attend their current church is the beliefs and doctrine of the church.