I have noticed a few annoying patterns amongst our tribe that just need to stop…immediately.
I’m curious if you recognize these patterns in other pastors or yourself. Also, I would love to hear your opinion on typical pastoral behaviors that need to stop.
Stop telling people how hard we work.
Yeah, we already know. Saying it just makes you look insecure.
Stop exaggerating.
People are onto us. We need shock-collars for this one.
Stop spending more than we earn.
Ask any banker who their worst credit risks are and pastors are always on their list (doctors and plumbers too). Living within our means is not rocket science, and there have never been more stewardship tools in history than today.
Stop worrying and praying about the same things.
#election2016 #budget #staff #attendance #kids
Stop trying to remember everything.
The bad news is that your memory stinks. You are a human, not a computer, so stop trusting your memory. The more balls you drop, the less credibility you have.
The good news is that you have a computer at your fingertips right now. Let people see you write down appointments, tasks, and prayer requests.
Stop holding grudges.
Unforgiveness is unforgivable. Stop holding your pain in and let it go before it destroys you and your ministry.
Stop doing other people’s ministries.
If we are not equipping people for ministry, we are robbing them of it. Pastors waste a lot of kingdom time outside of their calling and gifts.
Stop being late.
Whether you are running late to a meeting at church, being late for supper at home, or finishing your sermon late, you are being disrespectful. You can only use the God-card so many times on this one, friends.
Stop saying “yes” to everybody.
If everyone is a VIP to you, then no one is. Stewardship of your time and money are similar in that both are limited and both will either be budgeted or wasted. My VIPs are Jesus, Janet, kids/parents, friends, church, unchurched, and self (see Great Commandment).
Stop beating yourself up about the rest of this list.
I’ve done all these stupid things and more many times. I won’t stop trying to stop them until my funeral. We are all pastoring imperfectly and need to save some of the amazing grace we preach about for ourselves.
Help me add ten more to this list and I’ll publish them as “Ten More Things Pastors Should Stop Doing Immediately” next week.