Below is a list of B&H non-fiction and fiction ebooks from $1.99 and less each. The special prices below end January 31, 2017.
Amazon’s Kindle pages are linked for your convenience. Each title is available at multiple ebook outlets including iBooks and Google Play.
The Color of Church, Rodney Woo ($1.99)
One Minute Bible for Starters: A 90 Day Journey for New Christians, Lawrence Kimbrough ($0.99)
Detox…for the overly religious, David Putnam ($0.99)
The Five Smooth Stones, Robertson McQuilken ($0.99)
The Secret Road Home, Robert Wise ($0.99)
The Bitter Roach to Dachau, Robert Wise ($0.99)
The Narrow Door at Colditz, Robert Wise ($0.99)