End Times Fast Facts
On many questions related to the end times, pastors are mostly in agreement. On others, however, they have differing perspectives.
Here’s what pastors say they believe about the end times.
For more information on the study, read the Lifeway Research release and view the complete report.
In a previous Fast Facts article, we examined What Do Pastors Believe About Revelation?.
For more, view the general Fast Facts page at LifewayResearch.com to find information on population, demographics, Bible reading, evangelism, and more.
How many pastors say Christ will literally and personally return to Earth again?
3% disagree.
Among Protestant pastors: “I expect Jesus to return in my lifetime.”
Not sure
How many pastors believe Jesus will return and reign in Jerusalem in fulfillment of God’s prophecies to King David?
24% disagree.
How many pastors say another temple will be built in Jerusalem in accordance with Ezekiel 40-48?
How many pastors feel equipped to teach on future prophecies found in the Bible?
5% disagree.
How many pastors say interpreting the end times is a divisive issue in their congregation?
71% disagree.
How many pastors believe the modern rebirth of the state of Israel and the regathering of Jewish people were fulfillments of Bible prophecy?
How many pastors believe the modern rebirth of the state of Israel and the regathering of Jewish people show Christ’s return is closer?
27% disagree.
How many pastors say the establishment of the U.S. embassy in Jerusalem is a sign of the end times?
51% disagree.