According to Lifeway Research, 51% of pastors say they need to pay attention to time management. Josh Goepfrich, pastor of Hilltop Community Church, joins Ben Mandrell, president and CEO of Lifeway Christian Resources, to discuss the Greatest Needs of Pastors study and areas where pastors may be struggling with time management.
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Ben Mandrell: So I’m here with Josh, who’s a pastor in Indiana. And we’re talking about the struggles that pastors are sharing through Lifeway Research. More than half of pastors say that time management has become an issue. Where do you see pastors struggling in this area—as your observations?
Josh Goepfrich: Well, I think social media is a big one. Honestly, this probably goes against the grain, but I think another struggle is not having specific time planned—a calendar—and letting people interrupt your time—including parishioners or the guy who wants to redo the church roof or whatever. Not having—and a lot of pastors can’t because it’s small town or whatever and they’re bi-vocational or convocational—they don’t have somebody to guard their door for them.
Ben Mandrell: That’s right. It is hard to—in this season—plan anything with certainty… staff gatherings or things where you think “I’m going to plan on that Friday afternoon,” and then the whole plan changes. Are you learning to be flexible?
Josh Goepfrich: You know, it’s interesting you say that because, again, I come from a small church. And I’ve noticed that large cities where we came from have more issues with that than rural communities.
Ben Mandrell: It hasn’t hit you guys as much.
Josh Goepfrich: Not in that way. You know, our staff Christmas party was my wife and I, and everybody showed up. But from the standpoint of meeting people who might still be afraid to go out in public, that can be a big issue.