A number of average-aged preachers await phone calls that never come, while search committees look to fill pulpits with younger pastors.
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Study: Theology Matters for Growing Churches
According to a study of Canadian churches, those that adhere to conservative theology are more likely to grow than those that do not.
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The Surprising Reason Most People Choose a Church
Most say sermons are the primary reason they choose a congregation, and not just any sermons but sermons focused on the Bible.
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Creating a Culture of Invitation
Imagine a magnet with the ability to draw large numbers of people into your congregation and ultimately to Christ. Would you be interested in having one? Here’s the exciting reality: Every congregation can be a magnet, one person at a time, drawing the disconnected to Christ—because the magnetism of God lives in each believer.
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Two Ingredients of a Great Group: Laughter and Agony
How does your group (staff team, community group, co-workers, family) handle simultaneous events that are polar opposites emotionally?
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How Old Are America’s Pastors?
As the average pastor grows older in America, churches say they are struggling to find young Christians who want to become future pastors.
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