Pastors overwhelmingly believe that God did not use evolution to create humans and think Adam and Eve were literal people, according to a recent survey by Lifeway Research.
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Pastors Plan to Host Christmas Services Despite Busyness of Christmas Day
While 9 in 10 pastors plan for their churches to host Christmas Day services this year, there may be plenty of space in the pews for those who actually attend.
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Pastors Say Porn Impacts Their Churches, Many Unsure to What Degree
Most pastors believe pornography has adversely impacted the lives of their church members, but almost half cannot estimate what percentage of their congregation views porn.
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Pastors Say Mormons Not Christians
Most pastors feel strongly that Mormons are not Christians, according to a survey by Lifeway Research. The survey polled 1,000 American Protestant pastors and asked them to respond to the statement: “I personally consider Mormons (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) to be Christians.”
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Pastors Feel Privileged and Positive, Though Discouragement Can Come
Though almost all pastors feel privileged to be in ministry, a majority also experience loneliness and discouragement. That is the finding of a survey by Lifeway Research of 1,000 American Protestant pastors conducted Aug. 17-24, 2011.
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Pastors Think Denominations Important, But Will Become Less So
A majority of pastors with denominational affiliation believe it is vital to be part of a denomination, but a majority also believe that the importance of identifying with a denomination will diminish over the next 10 years.
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